Other Organizations

Project 3 - Depackaging - Stock Disposal

At IWR, we collaborate with various organizations in the waste recycling and food production industries. Our collaborations take different forms, including dues, panels, and booths, through which we express our support and understanding of their message. We actively engage with organizations such as compost associations and sustainability education initiatives, providing not only financial support but also volunteering our time. We believe it is crucial not only as a profit-driven enterprise to work in this space for the greater good but also to enable other groups, including non-profits, to make a positive impact.

Joint Initiatives and Projects

We frequently engage in joint initiatives and projects with sustainable technology operations in the region. These organizations specialize in converting organic waste into renewable energy but may require assistance in managing the process or the production chain. In such cases, they reach out to us to collaborate on initiatives or projects aimed at providing solutions to food producers. This collaboration allows them to focus on what they excel at, while we take charge of managing the process and determining solutions for our customers.

Effective Coordination and Communication with Partner Organizations

Ensuring effective coordination and communication with our partner organizations is a top priority for us. We maintain regular daily or weekly communication, especially when working on projects that benefit our customers. It is essential for us to ensure that our partner organizations are satisfied with the entire process, from collection to shipping, as much as we are with their practices. If either side is unhappy, the solution becomes unsustainable in the long run. Therefore, we prioritize open and transparent communication with all our partner groups, businesses, and organizations to ensure that our practices align with their needs.

Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations

Our partnership with Midwest Food Products Association has proven to be particularly valuable. We have actively collaborated with this group, spreading our message across their partner base. With the Midwest being a hub for canning and food production, our partnership has allowed us to reach out to a wide range of companies in the region. Additionally, we have partnered with The Brass Tacks Initiative, providing support and dedicating man-hours to sustainability education. Our efforts extend beyond food production, as we believe sustainability encompasses all aspects of our lives, including downtown local businesses and individual households.

Project 9 - Biogas and Digestion

Mutual Benefits Derived from Collaborations

Collaborations with other organizations bring about several mutual benefits, one of which is education. We find that many of the groups we work with, whether they are non-profits or for-profit entities, may not fully grasp the scope, quantity, and complexity of food production. While sustainability efforts often focus on individual actions at home or the occasional organic waste generated by downtown restaurants, the significant amount of food production in the US sometimes goes unnoticed. Our collaborations allow us to share our experience and knowledge, helping these organizations understand the bigger picture. By lending our expertise, we can collectively work towards diverting a substantial amount of food waste from landfills.

Interested in working together?

Through our partnerships and joint initiatives, we strive to educate and support others while actively working towards our shared goals.

Case Studies

Food Bank Recycling Partnership

Food Bank Recycling Case Study Innovative Waste Recycling (IWR) is a waste and byproducts management company that provides sustainable solutions for various industries. IWR specializes in assisting public food banks in finding beneficial solutions for excess and aged food through ...

Challenging Food Production Byproduct

Challenging Food Production Byproduct Case Study Innovative Waste Recycling (IWR) is a waste and byproducts management company that provides sustainable solutions for various industries. IWR partners with food production companies to find operational, economic, and environmentally sustainable solutions. One of ...

Other Organizations We Solve Problems For